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Making Dreams Come True

You wrote a show, a song or something you want to share.  And hopefully note lose money ...

Maybe even make $$$


You need investors, producers, talent

and that where we come in.

We will create a night that brings everyone together and allow you to pitch it, let it heard, give it life and maybe if everything goes

just may make a dream become reality!

Emil S. Kreymer

Founder & Creative Director

It's time to celebrate!

VIP's are coming,

Investors will be there ...

The annual holiday party,

Company Gala

Fundraiser for your charity


and it needs to be NOT BORING


We will create the night,

book the entertainment,

best food, amazing atmosphere 

Nobody will want to leave!

Angela Bradshow

Production Manager - Corporate 

A Perfectionist on Every Detail 

It's the little things ...

Easy parking, Venue isn't hot or cold, bathrooms are easy to find, the back round music sets the tone, the staff is neat and everything smells like fresh cookies and feels like a beach on a private island.


the big ones don't matter!

Remy Sellers

Production Manager - Entertainment

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